Stress is at the root of all illness. In our daily lives, we face many choices, but they all come down to one core idea. That in order to control how we feel, we need to stay at cause rather than consistently ending up at effect. What does that mean? – Say, someone, upsets you. They get you down right blood boiling mad. Your immediate reaction may be to yell at them, to strike back. But does that really serve you in that situation? Or does that give them what they wanted? Taking a breath and stepping back to really look at things may be warranted. – This pause, however brief, changes the energy of the situation allowing you to stay at cause, rather than falling victim to the whim of another.
The feeling of annoyance and irritation can lead to anxiety, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and much much more down the road. Is it really worth it to allow someone to “get your goose”? No one can make you feel or do anything unless you give them the power to do so.
Take that power back.
For more information contact North Isle Wellness on what steps you can take to help remove stress from your life and boost your health.